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Autumn Peel Season is Here - Peel the Love!

The leaves are turning, temperatures are dropping, and football season has begun. Summer is definitely in the rear-view mirror, which means it’s time to switch up your skincare – and there’s no better time than right now to treat your skin to a complexion refresher – a chemical peel.

National First Day of Peel Season began on September 7 and it celebrates healthy skin!

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel treatment involves applying a safe acid solution to the facial skin to remove dead surface skin cell build-up and debris and to promote the growth of new cells. There are 3 basic types of peels:

1. Superficial peels: A light chemical peel that removes the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It's used to treat fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness.

2. Medium depth peels: Removes skin cells from the epidermis (surface skin layer) and from portions of the upper part of the middle layer of skin (dermis). It's used to treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone.

3. Deep peels: A deep chemical peel is the most aggressive of the chemical peels. It penetrates deeper into the skin layers than superficial and medium depth peels. These deep chemical peels provide significant, dramatic, and longer-lasting results.

In our student clinic, we perform superficial peels only. We recommend a series of 3-5 for best results. (Deep peels last a much longer period of time and carry a higher risk. There is also more downtime for healing. Any procedures of this type should be performed under the supervision of a licensed professional.)

Benefits and risks of chemical peels

The benefits of peels are many:

· Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth.

· Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging.

· Improve the appearance of mild scars.

· Treat certain types of acne.

· Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills.

· Improve the look and feel of skin.

By removing dead skin cells, damaged upper layers of skin are also removed. This helps reveal a brighter, more even textured “glowing” skin underneath. Peels also help reduce appearance of scarring and hyperpigmentation (age spots).

All versions of skin peels may cause some discomfort. Superficial peels may cause tightness, redness, or mild irritation. Medium and deep peels can cause stinging and reddening that may last several days; deep peels can cause longer-lasting swelling and discomfort. Sunscreen is a must if you’re planning on getting a peel as they can make the skin more sensitive (even though UV levels are lower in fall and winter).

Why is fall the best time for a skin peel?

Summer sun’s effects on the skin can result in an increase of fine lines, photo (sun) damage, freckles, and uneven skin tone. A chemical peel will help erase the damage caused by summer and give you a smooth, healthy complexion just in time for the holidays (or any day!). Chemical peels also help treat blemishes and breakouts, brighten, and lighten skin (hyperpigmentation), and soften and smooth.

Take a look at our peel treatment options on our spa page - fall is the best time for you to choose!

Everyone has different skin needs and reacts differently to peel treatment. Our student estheticians and instructors can help you choose the best treatment for your skin type and condition. Contact our spa for an appointment and enjoy the benefits of glowing skin!



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The Euro Institute of Skin Care

10904 SE Petrovitsky Road

Renton, WA 98055

425.255.8100 (Spa)

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